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15th Int. Children's Four Hills Tournament:

Riedel pleased with the Vienna "Super Eagles"

Raschau/Berchtesgaden , 22nd of September 2013 - "You have to imagine this", Peter Riedel is astonished not bad. "There's a club, whose nearest hill for the child's training is 100 kilometers away in Mürzzuschlag, and then the Vienna City Eagle Club just win the rating of the 15th Children's Four Hills Tournament." This series of events took place and was concluded on Saturday (21.9.) in Berchtesgaden. The Vienna won with 1384 points, well ahead of Bischofshofen (1269) and Kitzbühel (1018). But more than that! Philip Wadsak took the overall title in the class K10 (second of the day). More podium finishes in the final ranking went to Benedict Lechner in the class K8 was second (second of the day in Berchtesgaden) to Louis Obersteiner (K9/third of the day) and Katrin Palicka (M1/fourth of the day) each ranked on third place in the ratings.

Peter Riedel, who was one of the (few) main sponsors of this year's children's Four Hills Tournament with his company, congratulates: "Simply amazing what the City Eagles have shown constantly over four contests. As you can see what is possible with great commitment and a lot of heart: form jumpers even if the training conditions are not ideal".

The Saxon entrepreneurs refers to the possibilities of his house. "Our mobile track K4 has proven to  a promotional tool, and it would be nice if we could see these also in Vienna at the St. Stephens Dom for example." Requests had already been in the past. But of course Riedel is also available when it comes to move on youth jumps the current world's best -run track systems. "With ski jumps in Vienna there would probably much more possible for the Vienna City Eagle in the future", said Riedel, and he is not alone with this opinion ...

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