400 years of Tellerhäuser - but why exactly 400?

The 400th anniversary of Tellerhäuser is a tricky one. Strictly speaking, the 400th anniversary of Tellerhäuser should have taken place two years ago. We all know that Corona put a stop to our plans back then. That's why we're actually celebrating 400 + 2 years of Tellerhäuser next weekend. So far, so good, I think everyone can live with that.

But what's much more exciting is when you look further back in the village chronicle: Many historians are confused when it comes to the founding date of Tellerhäuser.

Why is that? Let's look back 400 years - or 402 years, for that matter - from today.

It's 1622, but no one can really say whether Tellerhäuser already existed back then. I've already focused on this topic in an earlier post. The first real evidence of the founding of a settlement dates back to 1652. From this time, there is the first evidence that a miner named Andreas Teller built a house. According to this, our town would be "only" 370 years old. But apparently the town existed before that, but how long before that? Are we 50 years too early or 30 years too late with our anniversary? The discussions about the year of foundation are endless.

Even our local chroniclers cannot fully answer this question, but at least they can narrow the time period down to +/- 30 years. Perhaps we will manage to get some clarity on this with the help of the Breitenbrunn community at some point. Whatever the case, we can be proud of our town and our history. Whether it is 370, 400, 402 or 432 years of history, it doesn't really matter. The main thing is that the celebration is going to be great! :-)