From metal work to journalism

Over the years, in addition to my profession as a metalworker and jumping hill constructer, I developed another passion - that of being a writer and journalist. I love to take on complex topics and examine them meticulously from several angles. Regardless of whether they are topics of my work, of which there are plenty due to my international tasks, or topics from my private life. I want to absorb a lot of things, process them and make them accessible to the general public through a variety of channels. So it can happen that, alongside news articles from the world of top-class sport, there is also room for small stories from my home country. And it is precisely this balancing act between the world of sports business on the one hand and the world of journalism and reporting on the other that is so fascinating.

At the same time, it is important to me that these topics and stories, of which there are undoubtedly more than enough, are made accessible to the general public through a variety of media. That is why press work has already become an important part of my work and I cannot imagine life without it. Here is an excerpt from various articles that have appeared in recent months.

Have fun browsing!

Yours sincerely, Peter Riedel