What we have done lately…

It's been really quiet here recently. Admittedly, there's been very little going on in the ski jumping sector recently due to my knee operation. At my personal highlight - the Four Hills Tournament - I was condemned to watch from home and the focus this year clearly was on me and my health.

But that doesn't mean that me and my team sat around and just chilled. We worked intensively on the second major field of my company's business: steel construction. From 2nd of January on, not less than five tons of steel were moved in the "sacred" halls of Peter Riedel GmbH. After numerous work steps, various work platforms for people, which have to meet the highest standards, are now leaving our production facility.

Due to the strict health and safety regulations, these platforms have to withstand dynamic loads and be absolutely safe in terms of their statics, stability and durability. And so the "rough" steel construction industry also requires a lot of sensitivity and precision. Our customers have to be able to rely on us 100%, which is why we work hard and work on every project with passion. Nothing is left to chance, this is the only way our customers can be completely satisfied - as it is the case this time.

At this point I would also like to thank my employees, who are always working hard and who I can always rely on, even when I'm not there!

And I can also report positive things about my knee! Things are looking up, I'm already really mobile and will soon be back on the road serving my customers and the sport of ski jumping!

All the best, Peter and Team